The time has gone quickly. It is hard to believe these puppies are already 4 weeks old, well...4 and a half by now, since I am so late in getting the pictures posted. Max seems to be the brave explorer with Mallory close behind. Ellie hangs back and lets them do the exploring. She is apprehensive about walking on the tiled floor and prefers the quilt under her feet. (I don't blame her. I don't like our new flooring either. In my opinion, it is much too slick for people and pets. Let me know if you decide to buy new flooring and I'll tell you what kind
not to buy!)
Here are the most recent photos:
Max 4 weeks |
Mallory 4 weeks |
| | | | |
Ellie 4 weeks |
I hope you enjoy the pictures. I'll post more next week.
Life is better when you have a Lhasa to love you!
Joyce, these babies are beautiful. Is Max spoken for? If not, how much is he? Also, do you have photos of parents? I have had Lhasa's for over 15 years. Love them. Just lost 15.5 love of my life on New Year's Eve. Murfie was all white and the greatest boy ever. For years we had 5 dogs, 3 lhasas and 2 Pomeranians. Now, I have one Lhasa and 2 poms. Curious about little Max, even tho he's not white.
They are getting very cute!