Well, it is official! I have two new champions. AKC sent the championship certificate for Maggie earlier this month. Rafe's came on Saturday. Speaking of Rafe, here is the photo of him taken for his Best of Breed win on August 25. Many thanks to judge Jose Luis Payro for that exciting win!
Let's see, when I last wrote, I told you about a tooth cleaning spray that said the plaque build up would be gone in 30 days of use. I've been spraying Walker's teeth morning and evening, two squirts on each side of his mouth for nearly that long. I see no progress yet. Perhaps a miracle happens on day 30???
I'm having the same bad luck with the shampoo. It did NOT remove the pee stains from Maggie's coat when it was used full strength and allowed to remain on for 15 minutes. It smells great. I diluted it 20 to 1 as suggested on the bottle and used it to bathe Rafe. It made his coat soft, fly-away and static-y. But it smells great.
This year's American Lhasa Apso Club National Specialty week starts October 15, less than a month away. I am making lists in my head and trying to prepare myself for packing and making the long trip from Macomb, IL, to Mansfield, MA. Rafe is starting his coat change and I dread the thought of his coat matting while we are making the drive. Walker, his sire did that to me, back in 2003 when we were on our way to the National in CA. While my friends got some much needed sleep, I sat on the motel room floor, watching a Mr. Ed marathon while conducting a grooming marathon of my own, lasting hours. I could not get that stupid "A horse is a horse of course of course" song out of my head for days! I am sure I still know all the words. I have not watched Mr. Ed since! LOL

Speaking of Walker…my boy will be 10 years old on Saturday. I love that dog! He was so much fun to show. I still keep his coat long. I wanted to take him to this year's specialty as a veteran again, but knew it would be impossible to show both him and Rafe and do them each justice. He had a good time at last year's specialty and would probably appreciate being at another one if only he did not have to make the long trip to get there.
Many members of the American Lhasa Apso Club are mourning the death of Ann Burton, long time club member and good friend to many. Ann attended our national specialties and was so proud of her Lhasas. I knew her best from my work on the ALAC Board of Directors. Ann was our club Secretary for a number of years. My condolences go to her close friends and family. She will be missed.
Life is good when you have a Lhasa to love you…and family too! I get to see my Mom and sister this weekend for the first time in months and months. Since we're celebrating Mom's birthday, many other family friends and relatives will be there too. It's going to be fun!