It's Official! Breaker is now known to AKC as CHAMPION Joyslyn's Heartbreaker! Yes, it is true…his championship certificate arrived on Friday. He finished with 16 points, at the age of 13 months. He won two four-point majors, two three-point majors, and two single points. Positive comments from judges focused on Breaker's head, mouth and expression, coat texture, and movement.
He is going to be very unhappy when he figures out that being a champion means he has to stay home while Mira goes to shows! Eventually, I'd like to special Breaker but he is still very immature in appearance. Plus he needs to get his act together and that is going to take some maturing also. We'll be going to class every now and then to remind him what he is supposed to do in the show ring.
Also in the "good news" column:
1. Breaker's championship means that his mother, Ch. Joyslyn Secrets of the Heart, has produced enough champions to earn her American Lhasa Apso Club ROM (Register of Merit) Dam award. When you look at a pedigree and see the ROM behind a dog's name, it means that the dog has sufficient offspring that have earned their championship to be awarded ALAC's Register of Merit. According to ALAC rules, a sire must have at least 5 champion offspring and a dam must have at least 3 to earn the award. Secret's other two are Ch. Joyslyn Winds of Fire (Flame) and Ch. Joyslyn's Heartthrob (Davy).
2. Secret must be pregnant. If she is not, she has strange bulges on her belly and sides! Due date is November 14. Time will tell! I am so excited at the prospect of raising a litter again. The whelping area is set up in anticipation of the event. My brain is busy trying to think of puppy names. The last litter was easy since they were born on Christmas Day. This one will arrive too early to be a bunch of turkeys! LOL
3. I received lovely letters from Piper and Davy's new owners this past week. Both brought tears to my eyes, and I want to share snippets of the letters with you:
Ch. Joyslyn The Charmed One (Piper) went to her new home almost a year ago. Her owner wrote that Piper "… is an amazing little dog and has fit my lifestyle perfectly. It has been a joy to watch her “grow up” as a single dog. She now has the freedom of the house. Actually she now “owns” the house. I don’t have to close the crate door anymore. She comes and goes as she pleases and makes “decisions” about where she wants to sleep, when she wants to eat and what she wants to play with…I’ve been amazed by her fixation with TV! She will watch for the longest time and is sometimes annoyed when I turn TV off. I get wonderful greetings when I get home from work. She is full of energy since she has slept all day and spends the evenings squeaking toys, watching TV and laying beside my chair…She loves it when family company comes over but is most excited when my neighbor (her Auntie Vicki) comes over. She gazes out of the patio door waiting for her Auntie Vicki. I love her a lot and am so very happy to have her. I read your blog about “giving up” your adult dogs and I am so grateful that you raise these wonderful Lhasas…"
And I am grateful to have been blessed with wonderful Lhasas and people who are willing to open their hearts and homes to older dogs – and to continue to contact me to let me know how the dogs are doing. Puppies are so cute and sweet, but people who have adopted the retired champions have discovered plenty of love, devotion, and joy. Piper's latest picture is at the top of the page.
As you know, Davy left for his new home at the end of August. (See blog posting dated 8/31/09). His new owner wrote me a 6-page letter full of Davy's antic, saying that that Davy has made the adjustment well and that he is absolutely thrilled that Davy is doing so well. He wrote, "In a nutshell, Davy has proven to be one of the best, if not the best, dogs I have ever had…He loves to play with the dozens and dozens of toys he has. He'll grab and shake them, often growling at them simultaneously. He should have been called 'Joyslyn's Rugs A Flying' because the rugs really do fly once he gets started...His wonderful demeanor and likeable traits are the results of your efforts."
Life is Good When You Have a Lhasa to Love You!
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