Saturday, July 13, 2024

July Miscellany

  • “I drifted into a summer nap under the hot shade of July, serenaded by a cicada lullaby, to drowsy-warm dreams of distant thunder.” ~ Terri Guillemets

I write this as July is nearly half gone. It's been a good month for us so far - just enough rain, no horrible storms, hot but not too hot weather. 

I hope you all had a 4th of July that made you ponder and be grateful for the many freedoms we have -- and to fear how quickly they can be taken away. 

Our town has a downtown park in which flags are displayed on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veteran's Day. It really is beautiful. Here is a photo I took this year of one section of the park.

Our town also has a fireworks display and it was far enough away that the dogs were not bothered.

My husband investigated the possibility of solar panels for our home and so I guess that is happening soon. I hope everything said in the sales pitch is true! I am a bit leery of fast talking salesmen.

Now this might seem a bit macabre, but we also bought a burial plot and headstone. I decided those were expenses I did not want to leave for our kids. Also, I wanted to choose our own plot and headstone.

Show Results

Last month I wrote about Deacon's wins at the Manitowoc show. Here is the "official photo" of his NOHS (National Owner Handled Series) NonSporting Group 1 win.

I am now proud to tell you that Deacon is now Champion Joyslyn's Legacy of the Wind! He finished the requirements for championship at the Greater Milwaukee Lhasa Apso Club Specialty show in West Bend, WI. In addition, Saturday's show featured a Best Bred By Exhibitor competition and he took first place in the NonSporting Group.

 His Sunday wins included Winners Dog, Best of Winners, and Best Opposite Sex. Multiple thanks to Judge Angela Propora for recognizing this young Lhasa's potential.

Here's picture of his face.

And here is one of him and me showing off his ALAC (American Lhasa Apso Club) Best of Winners plaque.

Congratulations also to our friend LaVonne and GCH CH Mon Ami 'N' Joyslyn's Shades of Summer (AKA Misti) for their wins at the GMLAC Specialty. Here is Misti with her Select, Owner Handled, NOHS Group 4 Ribbons.

Puppy Update
Okay so here is what is going on with the puppies. They are now 3 months old. Of the five, three have left for new homes. One male has gone to a show home. I called him Buddy but do not know if his new owner has re-named him. He reminds of his sire, Chance.

The other male is waiting for his people to pick him up at the end of the month. They named him Cosmo. I call him Coz. What a cutie!

That leaves a female. I call her Kira. She is a cutie, a half sister to Deacon (same mom). The camera my husband uses has a terribly bright flash which she has come to hate! Thus decent pictures. I am debating about whether or not to keep her.

Updates and photos of littermates Gi, Gabby, and Buddy are in the Notes and Photos from Others section. 

What about new litters? Well, I am sorry to report that I am seriously concerned about upcoming litters. For many years I have had long waiting lists and suddenly I do not. I do have a short waiting list now so probably will breed at least one of the girls when she comes in season, August or September, with puppies due in October or November and available in early 2025.
After that, I am unsure of plans for puppies.

What is Available?
Perhaps Kira, but maybe not. Lynn wants me to keep her (which shocks me!).
I do have adults available: 2 females and 1 male.
Here are (not recent) photos. These were taken when the dogs were being shown and in full coat. They since have been clipped down.

First is Autumn:

Millie (Deacon's mom) is also ready for a new home.

The male is Chance.

All three are up to date on vaccinations. The girls have been spayed. If any of you are interested, please contact me at
I can give more complete descriptions.

I am sure people might wonder why a breeder gives up adult dogs. It is not because we have stopped loving them or are not grateful for what they have contributed to the breed. One of my reasons is that I want them to be an only dog or one of only two dogs so they do not have to "share the love" anymore. Another is that there are laws about the number of dogs a person is allowed to have. I am not going to make my girls have litter after litter after litter. To continue a breeding program then, I must part with beloved dogs, hoping so much they find new homes where  they are much loved. So far, it has worked well. 

From the Past
Recently I began paging through some old Lhasa magazines. I have piles of them! I think I told you a bit about them in last month's post. I shared an article in the June post and will continue to share some items from the old magazines each month.

When I was paging through the issues, I found ads for my dogs. Here is one of  them.

Now you might think "Screamer" is an unusual name for a dog! I agree. From the time he was a newborn, Screamer "screamed" whenever his mom left the whelping pen. We referred to him as "that screaming puppy"--and the name stuck. Oh the memories one picture can conjure!

Screamer's sire is AmCan Ch Joyslyn's Piece of the Rock (Rocky). We thought that was a fitting name because his sire was BIS AmCan CH Arborhill's Rah-Kieh. I wish I could find a photo of him. Here is one of our Rocky.

Anyway, a second find in one of the magazines was a photo of Rah-Kieh's sire, BIS Ch Arborhill's Rhapso-Dieh, better known as Soda.
Here is the cover photo featuring Soda.

And I also found an article I wrote that was published in Lhasas Unlimited. You probably will need to use the zoom feature on your computer to read it.

And I found Part ll of a dictionary of Tibetan words.

That's the trip through memory lane for this month!

Notes and Photos

Gayle wrote about Gabby (sister to Kira):"She is thriving, what a tireless, curious, precious, precocious little puppy.  Believe it or not, she is housebroken. Sleeps downstairs all night, maybe six hours, no accidents. She actually climbed the stairs this afternoon.  She had ventured up two steps last week…and today, she was on the last one of 13 before the landing to the second floor. What a little pistol…but she is terrified to come down.  So she was in front of two mirrored master bedroom closet door panels and was convinced she was playing with one of her siblings, it was hilarious."

Ruth sent a note about Dani, "...I wanted to let you know what a joy Dani is.  I sent her to puppy day school after she was spayed. She went for 8 days, 5 hours a day with 5 other puppies.  The time was spent with individual training, playing with other dogs and a field trip each day to a dog friendly establishment so they could experience new things and see different types of people.  The last day they did a small agility course and took a video of each dog. They were so much fun to watch,  Dani took the longest of course but I think she was the smartest because they gave them treats to coax them thru it.  At least she was the cutest!  It was a husband and wife team who both were attorneys and gave that up and started this business.  They are wonderful caring people.
Dani now goes to doggy daycare half a day a week just so she can play with other dogs...She really enjoys it but they said she is very selective about who she plays with. We took a class to help her stay focused which can be a problem for her.  Unfortunately it was at the same place as her daycare so she thought she was there to play.  I think she may have gotten a little bored with repeating things or else it was the stubborn Lhasa in her.
Dani is definitely the smartest of the 3 Lhasas I have had. She is also the most vocal.  She really likes to talk and I am finally starting to understand what she is saying..."

Sharon wrote about Gi (sister to Kira): "Gi is doing well and is running around the house as though she owns the place.  She and the cat are getting along very well.  A few days ago the cat decided she wanted to play with Gi and the rest is history.  She is very tolerant of the puppy jumping and chewing on her...[Gi] is very good about using the puppy pads and lets us know when she has used them...Yesterday she decided she is tired of sleeping in her crate and that she belongs on the bed and has been trying to figure out how to jump up on it.  She is having a good time playing with the cats’ toys ....She is very spoiled as she has discovered the communal water fountain and is no longer happy with being offered a bowl of water.  Before bed Devon has to take her to the fountain for her last drink of the night."

Sally wrote about Ginger and Jaxon: "I wish I could have seen your last show! Congratulations again! Deacon is so perfect he has it all! I'm so happy for both of you. I mainly just wanted to say hello and send a couple photos of course of my "champions" I did not get them cut short. They went to the groomer yesterday and she did a great job of just shortening them a little and shaving their tummies."

Sally also referred to Ginger's fear of the 4th of July sounds! So many dogs are frightened by the fireworks. I stopped at my vet's office on Monday and there were people in there getting calming meds for their dogs in preparation for the big booms. And I cannot help but wonder what negative effects the sounds have on our our veterans with PTSD.

Nanda wrote about Ty and Gigi: "You are right: well loved they are! We are obsessed with the two of them! Our lives are so much better because of them. Our home is happier and our family is full of joy and laughter with these little cherubs! We saw the litter of black Lhasa’s you had and almost died!!!! I’m not being hyperbolic. I want them all  Thank you again for our puppies. We are so grateful "

Courtney made me laugh when she wrote about Amelia. "Last Friday was Amelia's first Intermediate obedience class and the trainer" brought in her male German Shepherd to do demos, prior to last week she had only brought in her female. The male German Shepherd was jumping and kept turning away or going behind her. She couldn't figure out why he was misbehaving until we started a lesson in distraction. Amelia was her normal chill self and was in her down stay but the male didn't want to walk past Amelia. He was scared of Amelia! Sarah said it might have been her barrettes. Attached is a picture of Amelia from Friday. So scary!"

Lisa about Duncan: "My niece saw these photos and remarked that he looks like he would wear a top hat with his well manicured eyebrows and beard.
Next month Duncan will be going on his first ferry ride to Mackinac Island.  Hoping the sounds of the boat and the crowds are not too much for him.  Once in the island he doesn’t have to worry about delivery trucks so that is a plus. However, I am not sure what he will make of all of the horses … my first Lhasa Apso would bark at them - on tv or in-person."

Karen wrote about her puppy (the one I called Buddy). "He's been carried around by all 5 of my co-workers today. Loved them all. They decided that I need to bring him along everyday and he will be the groomer' emotional support puppy."

Courtney sent this picture of Carso, who is a littermate to Archie. Carso is owned by her sister Rebecca.

Nick sent a photo of Paul.

Michelle sent this photo of Sunny with the wind in his hair. Great picture!! It needs to win a contest!! 

Thanks to all who took the time and effort to send pictures and notes about their Joyslyn's Lhasas. I appreciate it so much and enjoy sharing them.

And thanks to all who took time to read this post.

You know my motto: 

If you already own a Lhasa, you know it is true. If you don't own a Lhasa, you need one for sure. Is a Lhasa for you??

Happy rest of July!


P.S. For the readers in the group: this month's recommendation is Liberty's Last Stand by Stephen Coonts

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