Wednesday, May 3, 2023

May Is Here! A Look Back At April...


"It was the month of May, the month when the foliage of herbs and trees is most freshly green, when buds ripened and blossoms appear in their fragrance and loveliness. And the month when lovers, subject to the same force which reawakens the plants, feel their hearts open again, recall past trysts and past vows, and moments of tenderness, and yearn for a renewal of the magical awareness which is love." ~ Sir Thomas Malory

My April
Once the Easter holiday was over, my April was rather dull until the last week. Prior to the end of the month, I tended to do a lot of crossword puzzles and reading, and of course, grooming, training, and playing with the dogs.

We found out for sure Pearl was not pregnant, but toward the end of the month, Millie, who had a split season actually came into season -- this time it is the "real thing" -- and we are hoping to breed her soon and then hoping the breeding results in puppies.

A short trip. At the end of the month, I met my friend Carm in Pella, IA. Carm and I have been friends since we began teaching together at Aquinas High School in David City, NE. Carm is also my daughter's godmother. We try to get together to spend a few days with each other at least every other year. This year we went to Pella just before their famous tulip festival began. Pella was settled by the Dutch and that heritage is evident and celebrated throughout the city.

We toured some of the historic sites, gawked at all the tulips that filled the town square and everywhere there was ground in which to plant them. We took a tour of the famous Vermeer windmill, the largest working windmill in North America. Very impressive, especially the view from the top! We toured the building that was once home to the famous Wyatt Earp and the outdoor area that had old buildings and relics from the 19th century.

Some photos:
Me, sporting a fashionable pair of wooden shoes

Me with Carm and one of the many sculptures around downtown Pella

Interior representative of an early settler's home

The Vermeer Windmill

A section of the miniature Dutch village that takes up a huge room.
The village was begun by the WPA and then added to over the years. 

One interesting thing we learned was that some of the Dutch people in the Netherlands pole vaulted across the canals to avoid having to go the long way around to get to the other side.

And that, dear readers, ends the history lesson!

By the way, I highly recommend Pella's popular Jaarsma Bakery, family owned since 1898. The line to get into the bakery stretched an entire block. We left and went back early the next day and still had a 45 minute wait. Trust me, the wait was worth it! Yum!!

A birthday. It is hard for us to believe but our granddaughter Klara had her 17th birthday at the end of April. Her dad made her a cake (see photo below). He sent me the recipe (his own creation based on his favorite sweets!). In case any of you are brave enough to try it, he gave me his recipe. He wrote, "It’s a brownie bottom with two layers of devils food cake and caramellos between each layer and chocolate frosting and whipped cream mixed together between each layer and over the top! It started to fall apart, but it tastes so good!" 

If you decide to experiment with this recipe, send me a picture and let me know how it tasted. They do not live in Illinois, so we did not get to taste test!

A driveway fix. We were fortunate to get a contractor on short notice to fix an area of our driveway. Here are men hard at work.

An expensive loss. I never did find my car keys in spite of daily prayers to St. Anthony and turning the house inside out looking for them. I put them in my purse the night we returned from Louisville, but the next morning they were gone. I wondered if we had a gremlin playing tricks!

We had one spare key for my car and I used that while we were waiting for the other to show up. It never did. So, I went to Amazon and ordered a key for my car's year, make, and model. Here is a lesson for you: don't do that. That key--which was "Made in China"--was not suitable. (I should have known by the less-than $30 price!) 

I then had to order a key from the dealer. $168. Then I had to have it cut. $10. Then it had to be programmed. $165. Lesson learned!

A nice visit. The month ended with a visit from Pam and Paul, who own Lil One and Josie, as they traveled from late fall/winter quarters in FL to spend the spring and summer in WI. It was great to see them and their Lhasas again. I think the dogs remembered their first home and they were all over Lynn, who had spent countless hours hand feeding them both as newborns.

Upcoming Shows
Look us up if you can come to Davenport, IA. fairgrounds on May 11, 12, 13, or 14. I'll be there with Ebony and Pearl.

Same is true for Bloomington, IL on May 26, 27, 28, and 29 at the McLean County Expo Center, except I entered only Ebony.

A Coat Care Article

Coat Care Reminders 

by Joyce Johanson


I was once contacted by a reader who had concerns about the lack of length of her two-year old show male Lhasa's coat. She asked if I could give her any hints about things she should or should not be doing. It's difficult to evaluate coat without being able to see or feel it, but I do have some hints that may help those of you with similar concerns. Consider the dog's health, his environment, the products used on his coat, the amount and type of grooming he receives, and his heredity. 

Fleas or internal parasites are obvious deterrents to healthy coat growth. Fleas cause the dog to scratch and break coat. Internal parasites cause a dry, lusterless coat that tends to be brittle and break easily. Dry skin can also cause scratching and coat damage. Solutions are flea control and prevention, which often is easier said than done; a visit to the vet to determine if parasites are present followed by medication to get rid of them if they are; and a vitamin-mineral coat supplement which adds fatty acids to the dog's diet. If you feed your dog a balanced diet, his coat should be healthy, and no supplement should be necessary. However, Lhasas often need extra fat in their diets to aid skin and coat condition, so you might consider adding a supplement designed to aid healthy coat growth. A poor coat is often a sign of a thyroid problem, so if you have tried everything else and nothing works, ask your vet to check the thyroid. 

Environment includes not only where the dog is housed but also where he is exercised and allowed to play. If your aim is to grow a nice show coat, the sad fact is that you can't treat your Lhasa as if he were "just a pet." If you allow him to constantly run and play on carpet, resulting static electricity causes coat ends to snap off. If he's allowed to roll on carpet or on the bed or sofa, the same thing happens. If you let him exercise in the back yard so grass and dry leaves can catch his coat, you risk coat damage. Now, I am not an advocate of show dogs living atop a grooming table for the sake of a lengthy coat, but I do advocate being careful with coat and avoiding situations that can cause damage to the coat. A cemented or graveled exercise area is not only easier to clean than a grassy one, but also easier on coat. There is also less of a chance for flea infestation if the dog exercises on cement. Try to keep your dog on vinyl or wood floors while he is spending time in the house with you. If you keep a pillow in your dog's crate or sleeping area, cover it with a fabric that will not catch coat or cause static electricity. 

Clean coats grow better than dirty ones. Well-conditioned coats grow better than those in poor condition. Numerous products are marketed which make keeping a coat well conditioned an easy task. Choose a shampoo and conditioner for your dog's coat type. You may choose products marketed for dogs or choose from the variety of human products. In most cases, the results are the same. What works for one dog's coat type may not work for another's so you often have to experiment. If a Lhasa's coat is in very poor condition, you may want to use hot oil treatments on a regular basis to begin controlling the damage and making the hair more resilient. If matting is a problem, often keeping the dog in a conditioning oil between baths is recommended. These conditioning oils come in either aerosol or liquid concentrate forms. Either type is effective when used on a clean coat on a regular basis. The aerosol conditioner is sprayed on a dry coat. Spray it layer by layer as you brush through the coat. The concentrate is diluted with water and poured over a wet dog after his bath. The coat is then blow dried as usual. The oil reduces matting and cuts grooming time. The dog should be bathed weekly. If he's being shown, put him back "in oil" after the weekend. If he is not being shown, put the oil back on his coat right after his weekly bath. 

Sometimes a Lhasa's lack of coat caused by abusive brushing and/or over-brushing. Unless your Lhasa is going through a coat change and seems to be matting constantly, there is no need to brush him daily. A thorough brushing once or twice weekly, with spot checks of troublesome areas throughout the week, should suffice in most cases. The logic behind this is that if you are grooming your Lhasa incorrectly, you are causing the damage to the coat. The more often you groom him, the more damage you cause. 

Here are some things to keep in mind about grooming your Lhasa:
1) Brush the coat in layers.
2) Lightly spray each layer with a detangler or conditioner before you brush through it. This will lubricate the hairs, cut down on static, and make removing tangles easier.
3) Turn your wrist down and toward you when you reach the coat ends. Don't flick the brush upward. That practice tends to break coat ends.
4) Avoid using a comb on the ends of the coat. Use the comb to loosen mats and to work loose hair through the coat, but when you get it near the ends, use a brush. It's easier on the coat.
5) Avoid using a slicker brush. It's too easy to abuse the coat with one if you don't know how to use it correctly.
6) Brush the coat gently. If you rip through it, you'll rip it out.
7) Don't brush a dirty coat. An easy thing to do is to wash any dirty or sticky areas with a waterless shampoo and allow to dry before you groom the dog. Such areas include the feet, the mustache, the loin area on a male, and the rear end if there are particles from a stool stuck to the hairs. A male often gets urine on his side coat in the loin area. Never comb or brush through it without washing it. It's sticky and breaks easily.
8) If your Lhasa gets a stuck stool, don't think, "I'll just wait til it dries and then brush it out." You'll wind up brushing it out along with coat you can't afford to lose. Shampoo the offending piece(s) from the coat and condition as necessary. 

Of course, it is possible that your Lhasa comes from a line that produces slow coat growers or poor coats. Some investigation into his background should tell you if that's the case with your Lhasa. If it is, others who have Lhasas from the same lines may be able to provide strategies for you to help you grow coat. Sometimes you have to wait for the dog to mature before his coat comes in nicely. In some cases, you may have to give up your plans for your dog's show career. While a sound Lhasa that has great movement may win single points with a poor coat, you cannot expect him to be competitive when it comes to majors unless his coat is in good condition. All other things being equal, the judges are bound to select the dog that is in the best condition. 

Of all the possible conditions that may cause your Lhasa's coat problems, heredity is the one that is most difficult to overcome. You can affect some control over his nutrition and health, his environment, and his coat care, but if a poor coat is his heritage, you may be fighting a losing battle.

*Please note: Permission to reproduce and/or circulate information in this article is granted. However, the article must be disseminated in its entirety and credit must be given to Joyce Johanson, Joyslyn's Lhasa Apsos. Thanks! 


What to Name The Puppy?

I sometimes think naming a new puppy takes me longer than the time it took to decide on names for my three kids! 

Actually, it is twice as hard because you need to come up with two names for an AKC puppy. First, you need a call name, the name that is usually one word that you will use to refer to your dog on a daily basis. This is a good time to consult a list of baby names, especially if you want an exotic name.

That is sometimes hard enough! But then you need  that AKC registered name. That is generally a longer name that includes a kennel prefix (the name the breeder from whom you bought your dog uses to distinguish his/her kennel from others.) This AKC name usually results in something "catchy."

Here are puppy-naming tips for those AKC names:

First, you need your breeder's kennel prefix. In my case, I want my puppy buyers to use "Joyslyn" or "Joyslyn's."

Then the hard part, the "catchy" name. Where do you go for inspiration?

First, look at the registered names that are on your puppy's pedigree. You might notice a theme. For example, here are some themes I have used:

Heart (Secrets of the Heart, Rebel At Heart, Heartbreaker are a few examples).

Wind (Dancing in the Wind, Wind Walker, Windbreaker, Night Wind are some examples).

I have used song titles and song lyrics. I have used moon and night themes: Dancing by the Light of the Moon, Moon Shadows, Night Music, Midnight Enchantment, Moonlight Memories.

I keep and add to lists of names that include Dream names, Dance names, Heart names, Makin' names, Show names, Step names, and Wind names and also an "Other" category to refer to if I need some ideas. If you buy a puppy from me and get stuck on an AKC name, I can help!!

Other ideas come from the horse names registered by the jockey club. These are available online. Just google "jockey club registrations." (Some of those horses have really weird names!)

Once you have made a decision, it is time to go to the AKC website and register your puppy's name. Here is what you need to know:

AKC has 200 breeds. Chances are that a name you choose has already been used for another dog of a different breed. Same names for different breeds are okay. What is not okay is two dogs of the same breed having the same name. 

So, it is okay for there to be a poodle with the name "XYZ Pretty As A Picture" and a Lhasa to be named  "XYZ Pretty As a Picture." And it is okay to have a Lhasa named "ABC Pretty As A Picture" but it is not okay to have another Lhasa named "ABC Pretty As A Picture."

About 6 years ago, I bred a dog that I named Chance. I tried to register him as Joyslyn's Moon Shadow. Couldn't happen. Evidently a person I sold a Lhasa to back in the late 1980's had chosen to name her Lhasa that name. I had forgotten about him until AKC said the name had been used already! Even though that dog had passed away, I could not use the name. So, Plan B: Chance was named Joyslyn's Moon Shadows. Ta-Da! That name was approved! All I had to do was change one letter. (It is not always that easy.)

One name I always wanted to use if I ever have a red dog again was one I saw in a magazine. The dog was named "Robert Red Furred." Clever!


Here are some upcoming events you might be interested in.

Watch a video about training a dog who has no or low food drive.

Notes and Photos from Others

Judy L posted this about Whisper, "Whisper's goal in life is to be on a professional soccer team. She practices every day with any one of the numerous tennis balls she has. Whisper bats the tennis ball around with her front paws. I regularly see her practicing some secret soccer move where she hurriedly tries to wrap the tennis ball up in the rug or a towel  - she looks like she is digging a hole, which is difficult to do on a concrete floor!"
Judy also posted photos of her 4 Joyslyn's Lhasas on FB. Gus, Lippy, Raven, Whisper
Lisa wrote, "Bought Duncan a puppy-size life jacket today for his first kayak ride on Easter Day!" (Duncan is the black dog. He is Ebony's brother.) 

She later wrote, "He has started chasing geese and ducks - displaying more confidence outdoors. When walking him last week a neighbor walked by - instead of backing away Duncan held his ground and let out one “woof” to alert me of her presence.  So proud of my little warrior/sentinel! 
He is definitely very intelligent. He is sweet and likes to cuddle and give kisses. However, if given a chance, he would much prefer to play with (and/or hump) Dresden."

Debra sent this photo of Seng Kye.

Molly Anne wrote on the occasion of the 4
th anniversary of Luna leaving our home and joining Molly's.
"Her Ladyship is stretched across my lap- which is just about anytime I am not standing. It is time for a trail walk as it is due to rain this afternoon: meaning that Luna will be ready to growl and fight the Thunder Gods…."

Some of you might check your pedigrees because many of you have Luna kids or grandkids. She is CH Joyslyn JaMa Dancing By the Light of the Moon. She is Bekka and Chance's mother and grandmother to my Millie.
Michelle posted this photo of Sunny.

Judy G sent this update on Winter, who is being trained to participate in Rally. "She is a bundle of twirling energy! She and Nyx play all the time. My daffodils are having a rough go of it. Winter is the only Lhasa that has ever run through them. Now she has paths that the others are widening.  This is the time of year that my backyard is the best . I have over 300 daffodils in a variety of areas. Oh well, at least the Lhasa are enjoying them." and in another message: "Resting and calm is not in her vocabulary! She loves life and lives it to the fullest. We are still on step number 2 so no progress there. Woo Hoo! She is sitting for her food, but it's a quick sit."
Sally wrote, "Jaxon will be 2 on Saturday!!! I am SO thankful you encouraged me to get a male- Ginger struggled enough I can't imagine her with another girl. She is finally playing fetch and all the  things we used to do. And Jaxon is such a good boy. He loves all the toys and he makes me laugh out loud every day he is such a character. They are both the BEST."


That's it for now! I hope May is a good month for us all and that the weather behaves itself and does not bring more floods or tornados. Enough already!
Thanks to all who read this and special thanks to those who took time to send notes and photos of their Joyslyn Lhasas! 


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