Happy Thanksgiving!
I know it is still early for a Thanksgiving post, but it'll be a busy holiday, so I am getting an early start. I hope you enjoy today's post. There are puppy pictures, information about dog communication, photos from friends and puppy buyers.
We have a dog named Henri. Henri is not a Lhasa; he is an Affenpinscher (but we love him anyway!) He is our granddog who came to live with us because he did not appreciate the new human addition to the family that had previously been his and his alone. Henri was a spoiled “only child” and about 6 years old when his human “brother” was born.
Henri is not too fond of being the odd dog out among our many Lhasas, but he has learned to cope and has maintained his personal identity of being top dog (i.e., he is a legend in his own mind). That is to say, his inflated ego is intact. For the most part, the Lhasas ignore him, mainly because when they were puppies, he managed to cow them in no uncertain terms!
When it is time for me to go to work (or really, anywhere), I tell the dogs, “I’m leaving. It’s time for me to go to work.” They know the word “work” and resign themselves to not seeing me for a while. Henri, however, does not want to give up his resting place on the sofa or in one of the many dog beds that are scattered around our family room. He finds it demeaning that I would relegate him to the same room as the Lhasas.
“Let’s go, Henri!” I tell him. He knows the routine but day after day, he moves oh so slowly toward the door to the dogs’ room, like a reluctant fourth grader who dawdles each morning when it’s time to get out the door to catch the school bus on testing day. When he does not move quickly enough, especially when I am running late, my voice gets louder, harsher, more insistent. “Move it, Henri. I need to get to work. Hurry up!” (Like the mom who is trying to get the fourth grader out the door so he does not miss the bus!)
Henri continues his slow walk to the door, head down, tail down, ears back. I know what he is trying to tell me, do you?
What is Your Dog Trying To Tell You?
We all know a happy, satisfied, carefree, confident dog when we see one. Likewise, we recognize the message communicated by an angry snarling dog. But a dog’s body language can also tell us other things a dog may be feeling. See if you can figure out from the following descriptions just what your dog is trying to communicate.
1. Dog’s ears are pinned back.
a)Dog is excited. b) Dog is relaxed. c) Dog is submissive or fearful.
2. Dog is calm and confident .
a) He looks at you with a hard stare. b) His eyes are open wide, probably making eye contact. c) His eyes are averted, making no eye contact
3. Dog’s front legs are flat on the floor, butt in the air, tail wagging.
a) He is inviting play. b) He is being submissive. c) He is being aggressive.
4.Dog is yawning. a)He is tired. b) He just woke up and needs some oxygen. c) He is feeling stress and is trying to calm himself.
5.Dog turns his head away. a) He is watchingfor the mail carrier. b) He is pretending he is not there. c) He is trying to avoid a source of stress.
6. Dog’s lips are pulled back; teeth are showing.
a) He is being assertive, threatening. b) He is inviting play. c) He may be showing submission.
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. A, B, and C
5. C
6. A and C
Actually, there are numerous ways dogs show fear or stress in situations they perceive as threatening. These include yawning, turning their heads away from a source of stress, licking their lips, freezing upon perceiving a threat (before going into a fight or flight mode), pinning ears back, pulling back lips to show teeth, and slowing their walk.
Your dog can also demonstrate submissive and appeasing behavior in a number of ways: avoiding eye contact, squinting, pinning back his ears, lowering his body or cowering, slowing his walk.
What about dogs that are confident. How do they behave? Their eyes are soft and open wide. They willingly make eye contact. They are relaxed as they survey or move through their environment. Tails are wagging. Ears are relaxed. Heads are held high.
For more complete information about how to understand what your dog is trying to tell you, google “understanding dog body language” and you will find many sources of information. Here is a good one to get you started: Canine Body Language by Victoria Stillwell.
Puppy Photos
The Josh and Greta puppies are growing so fast. They are almost 10 weeks old. They are in to everything now. Nothing at puppy eye level is safe from their curiosity. Puppy battles are short lived. Attention spans are brief...too many things to explore. If one finds a toy to play with, the other two leave what they are doing and try to take it away. Ornery! They make me tired, just watching them! Oh, and did I mention how fast they can move from across the room to under my feet?
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This is the female we call Sassy |
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This is the male, Enzo |
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This female is called Biscuit |
BIS-Veteran, GCH CH Joyslyn's Heartbreaker ROM.
The November issue of ShowSight Magazine has a very nice article about the Lhasa Apso, titled "The Almost Perfect Dog." Go to https://www.showsightonline.com/2019/2019_11/mobile/

Chance ranked #15 in the National Owner Handler Series

Autumn again. #17 in Grand Champion Rankings

Yeah, I know it's bragging...but I am really proud of my dogs and their accomplishments. Those of you who have puppies from Chance and Josh can bask in some of the spotlight too!
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The new babies, 2 days old |
Notes and Photos From Others
Vivian wrote, "LiLea is doing stupendous!! Her stance shows her superior breeding every time she stops and stands. I love her to pieces."
Dan wrote, "Hi Joyce! Hope all is well. Dalai was actually spayed last week and the paperwork is attached. She has been such a joy and fit right in with our family."
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Dalai -- with the unique one white and one black leg |
Chuck and Steve sent greetings and two photos of their Cooper, who looks very much like Rafe! "Just wanted to hi from Southern Illinois. Cooper is doing well. The love of our lives. Happy Holidays to you and your family."
Jan sent a photo of her dogs, Lilly and Zoey and wrote about Zoey, "Zoey goes to obedience kindergarten 3 days a week and is of course doing very well. They say she is very bright , alert and gets along with her other puppy friends well. They say she is slightly a little too enthusiastic but I think that is a great trait to have in the long run! She gets along and loves Lilly so much! Lilly mothers her when she is over zealous or rambunctious but is so much happier now that Zoey is part of our family!"
I wrote her saying that the two reminded me of salt and pepper shakers and also of those magnets of a white dog and black dog we kids played with so long ago. I think one magnet was a Westie and the other a Scottie. Memories!
Jan wanted to know if I had heard from any owners of Zoey’s littermate. That would be the Breaker and Onyx puppies born 4/21/19. I heard from Dan about Dalai. So if any of you others are reading this, please send some information and a photo for the blog!
I bit the bullet this morning and got out the clippers. Autumn's beautiful long hair ended up all over the floor. She was not particularly happy, so I did not take her picture. I also clipped Chance. He was happy to be rid of his heavy coat. It made me sad though, his long black hair was a pretty shiny black.
Lhasa Apso Article
The November issue of ShowSight Magazine has a very nice article about the Lhasa Apso, titled "The Almost Perfect Dog." Go to https://www.showsightonline.com/2019/2019_11/mobile/
and flip through pages until you get to page 365, where the article begins. The article is toward the back of the magazine, so start flipping pages from the back. You'll find the article faster.
Lhasa-Inspired Items for Christmas
If you are looking for a Lhasa-themed gift for a friend for Christmas, the following links should be of great help.
If you are looking for Lhasa-themed apparel, welcome mats, tote bags, note cards, or Christmas cards, you can find all at the McCartney website. He has drawings of many breeds, so it's also a great place to find a gift for a friend who has a breed other than a Lhasa.
You can also find Lhasa-themed Christmas cards by going to
Just a hint: Many of these cards look great in a matted picture frame!
Also check out Pipsqueak Productions. The site has products for many breeds, including the Lhasa Apso. There you can find cards, stationary, dish towels, pot holders, Christmas ornaments, tote bags, apparel, key rings, garden flags, mugs, trivets, picture frames, mouse pads, and magnets.
Happy shopping!
Canine Chronicle Rankings - September 2019
For being shown only sparingly, the three Joyslyn's dogs that I showed managed to hang on to the rankings through September. Chance's points came from two weekends of wins. Josh's came from one weekend. Autumn's came from three weekends. Not too bad...
So, since they might be deleted from the rankings when the October numbers come out, I decided to take screen shots of the charts and post them here!
Here is how Autumn sits in the All Breed Rankings.
Autumn #7 and Josh #20 in the Breed Rankings

Chance ranked #15 in the National Owner Handler Series

Autumn again. #17 in Grand Champion Rankings

Yeah, I know it's bragging...but I am really proud of my dogs and their accomplishments. Those of you who have puppies from Chance and Josh can bask in some of the spotlight too!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Here is a Thanksgiving Blessing recipe that I thought was kinda cool. In a large bowl, add the following ingredients and mix it all up. No cooking or baking is needed.
- Bugles that are shaped like a cornucopia or Horn of Plenty, a symbol of our nation's abundance.
- Pretzels representing arms folded in prayer, a freedom sought by those who founded our country.
- Candy Corn that represents the sacrifices of the Pilgrims' first winter when food was scarce and settlers survived on just a few kernels of corn a day.
- Nuts or Seeds to represent the promise of a future harvest, one we will reap only if seeds are planted and tended with diligence.
- Dried Fruits that represent harvest gifts of our bountiful land.
- M&Ms in Fall colors of yellow, orange, and brown to represent Memories of families and friends who came before us and the Miracles of life and love.
- Hershey's Kisses to represent the love of family and friends that sweeten our lives.
Mix together. Package in 1 quart zip top bags. Add a tag that explains the meaning of each ingredient. Give to friends.
Until next time...
Happy Thanksgiving to you & Lynn. Love your blog & the informational links. Biddy & I just saw there is a dog show in Co. Bluffs on the morning news. She is not a TV watcher so I couldn't get her to watch the dogs. Love the puppy pictures. MY kids keep on trying to get me to get a second dog,they each have two dogs. They think Biddy needs a playmate, but I remind them they would have to babysit 2 dogs when we are gone. hahahahaaa