Thursday, December 17, 2015

Merry Christmas To All...

I am extending season's greetings this week because we are expecting a houseful of company next week, and I probably will not have time to post on the blog.

Puppy Photos

Here are updated photos of the Duncan and Windy puppies. They are all quite charming. It is a real gift to watch them grow and learn, to see them discovering new things, and to watch their personalities develop. If only they would not destroy piddle pads! (But they have so much fun doing it!)

Female - 7 weeks

Female - 7 weeks
Male - 7 weeks

Male - 7 weeks

 Sharing a Photo and Email

Vivian wrote about her LilLea, also a Duncan and Windy daughter from a previous litter: "Here is LilLea with her ball in October.  As you know, Lhasas like to be on the highest point possible, and if it is soft, even better.  Second is a picture of LilLea, being happy, helping me with the laundry, on top of 3 comforters...Joyce, I just love her.  Thank you for such a wonderful, wonderful little girl."

 That's it for this week. 

Christmas Joy and Blessings to each of you and your families. I wish you Lhasa love, good health, and happiness in the coming year. And, as always, never forge
Life is Better When You Have A Lhasa to Love You!

Merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Show Results and Some Puppy Pictures

Christmas is the season when you buy this year's gifts with next year's money. ~Unknown

Show Results

At the end of last week's post, I mentioned that Kimmi and I were headed to a show. This show was her first point show. She had been to a fun match at the end of August and a Beginner Puppy (4-6 months old) competition in September, but after that, she just sat at home. She was 6 months old in November but we don't go to shows during that month. We did, however, get to go to one training class. It was disheartening. The happy little girl who ate up the ring at the fun match and puppy competition seemed frightened. She was okay on the table for exam but when going around the ring, her tail was down. That's a definite no-no for a show Lhasa.

So, my hope was that by the end of the 3 days of shows last weekend she would be comfortable with dog shows and at least get her tail up.

On Friday, she seemed afraid as we waited outside the ring. She was trembling and unsure. My thought was, "Okay, it is what it is. Just let her walk." Oh she did that -- and more. Once in the ring she owned it. She sailed around, head up, tail up, with a "look at me" attitude. And, ya know what? The little rascal won! A three point major! The day after she turned 7 months old.

To make a long story short, Kimmi took the points all three days. Friday was a three point major. Saturday and Sunday were 4 point majors. All she needs now is four single points to have her championship.

That is not going to happen soon. We are not planning on going to shows until spring.

I will post the formal photos of her wins when they arrive. In the meantime, here are a couple pictures of her. The first was taken by Karen Schlais (thanks, Karen) on Friday after Kimmi's win. For those of you unfamiliar with dog shows, the blue ribbon was for taking first place in her class. The purple one was for the Winners Bitch (meaning the 3-point win). The red and white one was for winning Best of Opposite Sex to the Best of Breed. Best of Breed was won by her half brother, Stewie. He's about 10 days older than she is. By going Best of Breed over Kimmi, Stewie also earned a 3-point major. It was a good day for the Breaker kids! (Their sire is GCH. Joyslyn's Heartbreaker.)

Stewie, bred and owned by Karen Schlais and Jan Graunke, was also a winner on Sunday. He took Best of Winners over Kimmi for the 4-point major PLUS he took Best Opposite Sex to Best of Breed over two adult specials. WTG Stewie!!! I'll post a photo of him later also.

Stewie's litter sister, Penny, was also a winner over adults, as she won Reserve Winner's Bitch on Friday over two adult females.

Here is Kimmi at home with all her ribbons. The blue and white ribbon was for taking Best of Winners on Saturday.

Puppy Pictures

Time goes by so fast anymore that it is hard to believe Windy and Duncan's puppies are already six weeks old. They are strutting around like they own the place. They love playing with toys and are doing well with being weaned. Windy, still the proud mom, continues to nurse them between the feedings I give them. She is now much less likely to be tolerant of them eating from her food dish while she is trying to eat. Windy very much loves her food. She loves her babies too, but... let's just say she no longer wants to share with them.

Here are the latest pictures of the puppies.
Male, 6 weeks

Male, 6 weeks (awakened from a nap for the photo & not happy about that!)

Female, 6 weeks

Female, 6 weeks
Now, some of my regular readers might be wondering why I have not given these puppies call names as I usually do. One reason is that I have a name all picked out for the female puppy I plan to keep but I have no idea which one of the two that will be. The call names tend to stick with the puppies we keep. New owners are able to change the names but I can't seem to do that. So, for the next few weeks, the puppies will go nameless.

Notes and Pictures from Others

Mary has three Lhasas that she has trained for agility. The middle one in the photo below, Belle, is a Joyslyn's Lhasa. Mary wrote recently that her oldest Lhasa, Roman had had a dental plus some cysts removed. Her clinic allows other family pets to be present for recovery, so Mary took Belle and Moka with her. This picture is of the three of them cuddling together after Roman's surgery.

Roman (a bit groggy after surgery), Belle, Moka
She wrote, "Miss Belle was quite the attendant to Roman;  Moka was a little more there for kitten chasing (clinic had 5 kittens wandering. Moka did the Moonwalk backwards when hissed at) and of course she was there for the picnic of snacks.  They both were right by Roman’s side as he went through the recovery phase.

Sharon, who owns 9 year old Giza, wrote this in her Christmas card to us, "The years are passing too rapidly. I can't believe Giza is 9 years old. The past couple of years she has become more of a guard dog - she's a late bloomer. There is nothing she loves more than to cozy up to someone for a nap. A nice large stuffed toy makes a good sleeping partner also… We all love our Giza, as do others who meet her."
Catherine wrote, "We just wanted to share Mallory's birthday picture with you!! She is just a beautiful, precious and smart little girl!! It's hard to believe she is 3 years old. We are so thankful for our 2 Joyslyn's babies! They're the best!"
Maria also sent a photo in honor of Ella's birthday. She wrote, "We are celebrating Ella's third birthday. She woke up this morning with twice the energy as usual. So excitable as if she knew today was her special day!

Ella is a joy to all!  So sweet and loving!  But also has become very protective of the house. She will bark if she hears someone at the door or coming up the driveway.

As we shared before , Ella travels with us and also runs errands with us. She's known at the banks and especially Lowes and Walgreens. She's even joined us at the hardware store. She will sit in the shopping cart as I push her up and down the aisles with very good manners..... And patience!
The one thing that's different about Ella from our other two lhasas is that she loves puppies or even large dogs. She's very pet friendly as well as people friendly.

Our training is going well.  She has her moments of being stubborn just like a Lhasa.  And she has her moments of the "Lhasa crazies" where she runs and jumps from room to room.

Ella's sensitive side can just melt you as she looks deep into your eyes.  She visits my mom daily who is at a retirement community. And the residents love her. She makes their day and has good instinct to watch out for walkers and wheel chairs.

I'm in the process of knitting Ella a sweater.  She's become the fashionista with a lot of sweaters and a fleece coat and a puffy jacket and bows and boots!  Again not like my other two lhasas who would freeze up  when I put anything on them. Ella is special! .....and certainly not spoiled.  We wanted to say hi and thank you for our beautiful lhasa.
I agree.... Life is better when you have a Lhasa to love you !

Happy Holidays!"

Kim sent an email about Snickers:
" Hope you and your family had a blessed Thanksgiving. Snickers always needs to be laying on a blanket.  I was washing his two blankets that we keep in the family room and my one son dropped his clean PJ's and he laid right on top them in the middle of the floor.  We had to send you his picture.


 He is just the best dog.  He gives everyone in our family so much love and kisses.
I had back surgery on the 17th of November and was home for 3 weeks. He never left my side and cuddled with me everyday.
I couldn't imagine not having him here.
He helped me heal.  It was a minor surgery but what a blessing that you sold him to us.

Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!!!!"

This has Nothing to Do with Lhasas

I'm sharing a recent experience my daughter had when she purchased a new Pyrex liquid measuring cup at Home Goods. Once home, she put it in the dishwasher to wash the next time she had a full load. The next morning when she opened the dishwasher to put in dirty dishes, she found an unwelcome surprise. At some point, the Pyrex had exploded. Shards of glass were all over the insides of the dishwasher. She told me it took at least 30 minutes to clean it all up. We all wonder why or how something like this could happen, but we are grateful it happened inside the dishwasher and not while the measuring cup was sitting on the counter, where the shards could have injured a person or pet.

That's it for this week. I hope you enjoyed the photos. Best wishes as your Christmas shopping continues.

Life is Better When You Have a Lhasa to Love You!


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Puppy Pictures and Some Other Things

How did it get so late so soon?
It's night before it's afternoon.
December's here before it's June.
My goodness how the time has flewn.
How did it get so late so soon?

~Dr. Seuss

Puppy Pictures

I'm starting with photos of the puppies this week since it seems that is what most people want to see. They are now five weeks old and getting cuter and more photogenic as they grow. They are investigating, trying to play with each other, sleeping frequently, eating from their mom's food dish (she doesn't mind), learning to use the piddle pads, and charming all who see them.

Male, 5 weeks

Male, 5 weeks
Female, 5 weeks

Female, 5 weeks
I usually have named them by now so we have call names and can identify them when we refer to them as individuals. I don't know if my muse is on vacation, but inspiration has not yet struck, so for a while yet, they remain nameless.

Photos of Joyslyn Dogs That Others Have Sent Me Recently

Pictured below are Brigsley, who will be two in January, and Snickers, who is 13. Miranda tells me they get along great. Both are dogs the family purchased from us. Cuties!

 Another picture of Brigsley. He is Josh's litter brother.
 This is Luther. He is Kimmi's litter brother. A picture of their litter sister, Abby, was featured last week. Both Abby and Luther have that ornery look in their eye. Kimmi doesn't have that glint in her eyes. She fools us. She looks sweet and harmless but manages mischief. For example, two evenings ago while I was balancing my checkbook and focusing on the math, she managed to pull one of my husband's favorite DVD series off the shelf then proceeded to mangle the cover. She looked so innocent when the discovery was made.

A Look Back

A few weeks ago I retold the story of how Joyslyn's Lhasa Apsos began. You might recall that I saw a photo of a Lhasa in an encyclopedia, became intrigued, and later saw a litter advertised, bought a female puppy, and a month later bought another female puppy. (Is one Lhasa ever enough? Evidently I did not think so!)

Well, I finally remembered to dig out that ancient encyclopedia and find the photo. I took a picture of it and here it is -- the photo that started us on our journey.


That's all for this week. Kimmi and I are preparing for her first point show this weekend. Ready or not, we'll be in the ring. Send positive thoughts our way. No pressure to win this weekend. I just want her to come away with a positive ring experience.

Life is Better When You Have a Lhasa to Love You!

