Not that I'm complaining, but while April showers are just fine, the high winds, thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes that hit Illinois last night are way down on my list.
The title of this blog, "This and That," is indicative of the content. We're still in the "waiting" stages in regard to puppies, although I am hoping that by next week I'll know more about Charli's condition. I, along with those of you who are waiting for puppy news, am practicing patience.
I had an interesting experience Monday evening when a friend requested that I meet with her and some kennel club members in Burlington to attend a meeting given by a person who was sponsoring some anti-dog legislation in Iowa. The bill, which failed in the Iowa legislature, had in it some clauses related to small (or hobby) breeders. The speaker focused on her (and the bill's) attempts to regulate Iowa puppy mills. As you might expect, we saw some horrifying photos of conditions. I came away convinced more than ever that public education is the key. If only people could see where those cute little pet shop puppies were raised. Ugh!
I made a statement at one point saying that we small /hobby breeders did not want to be "painted with the same brush" as puppy mill breeders. Later, I was asked if the news reporter could quote me. I said yes, and the morning paper reported me as saying, "We don't want to be painted with the same picture." ~ Joyce Johanson, in response to being placed in the same category as puppy mill owners. !!! Hmmm...a common American idiom and that young journalist goofed it up. (I really hate sounding stupid!)
Raven has settled in well in her new home in California with my friend Judy. Judy also owns Raven's litter sister, Whisper. She reports that Raven is acting as if she belongs there and is quite content. I'm so pleased that another of my retired champions is content and happy in her new home.
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Raven, making herself at home on the bed |
My friend Cherry took a couple of the photos I'd posted on Facebook and did this to them using her phone and the Photo Sketch app. Pretty cool!
Helen sent me a photo of Sassy, taken after a bath and a blow dry using Helen's new dryer. Helen is showing Sassy, who now has 8 points, including a major win! Sassy is Josh's litter sister.
Speaking of Josh, his championship is now official! I was very glad when this AKC document arrived in my mailbox earlier this week.
Bits and Pieces from the Internet
Here are some items that came to my attention this week. I thought some of them might interest some of you.
"Dogs have been credited with providing us with a host of benefits—lowering blood pressure and stress levels, increasing social skills, and even possibly boosting the immune system—but the services they provide for individuals with autism go even further."
This link goes to a YouTube video. I hope I never have to use the technique, but I'm certainly happy to know about it "just in case!"
If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know my feelings about the "designer dogs" fad. In this Psychology Today article, the man responsible talks about why he created what is now known as the Labradoodle and why he wishes he had never done so. He said, "People ask me 'Aren't you proud of yourself?' I tell them 'No! Not in the slightest.' I've done so much harm to pure breeding and made so many charlatans quite rich. I wonder, in my retirement, whether we bred a designer dog – or a disaster!"
Many puppy buyers are quick to assure me that they do not want a "show dog." There are many ways to be involved in AKC events without participating in conformation shows. One program that appeals to many is the AKC Canine Good Citizen Program. From the AKC "About" page: "Started in 1989, the CGC Program is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the 10-step CGC test may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club."
And (as if I needed to remind you!)
Life is Better When You Have a Lhasa to Love You!
'Til next time...
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