Thanks for checking in! I hope this finds you and your friends and family members safe and healthy. I know that many people are confused, angry, frustrated, stressed, and worried. Learning about all the illnesses and deaths really takes its toll.
You would think that with social distancing and stay-at-home directives, life might get a bit boring. Somehow, for me anyway, the days seem to fly by, and I am scrambling to get through the days' to-do lists. I admit to being rather tired of Zoom meetings, but they do help a lot when it comes to getting things done.
Staying home and feeling silly (but safer) by wearing masks and gloves to the grocery store seem to be small prices to pay for staying healthy.
I will say that one upside of staying home is that I have spent less money this past month. I have not even shopped on Amazon. My daily garb consists of jeans (or sweats) and sweatshirts.
Our 48th Anniversary was on April 15. We just hung out at home. We'll celebrate when the restaurants open again.
Here we are all those years ago, a couple of young kids not even out of college yet--one semester of student teaching left and no jobs. What were we thinking!? Fortunately, we found summer jobs, both working at our campus. Lynn worked for Maintenance, giving dorm rooms fresh coats of paint, and I worked for the the English Department. I'd done a practicum the previous semester and was asked to teach the same course during the summer when the professor to whom it was originally assigned became ill.
Our dining room set was a card table and chairs. Our black and white TV sat on a TV tray. We had no living room furniture until our Best Man forked over $50 and bought us a used sofa from someone who was moving and needed to get rid of it. Somehow we managed to survive!
I have just a few photos to share. Colleen sent a picture of Biscuit, who is a Josh and Greta daughter. I love those beautiful eyes!
Stacey sent a picture of Enzo with his buddy Elliot. Stacey and Lisa also have another Joyslyn's Lhasa, Lola. Lola did not really like Enzo at first, but Stacey reports that now they play together all the time. Lola does not like to have her picture taken.
Molly Anne sent a nice report about Luna, who has lived with her for a year now. That time went fast! Luna enjoys her life with Molly Anne and their frequent nature hikes together.
As you know from my frequent posts, many of our retired champions, both male and female, are enjoying their retirement with new owners. If you are interested, I will have three 5-year-old females available for new homes by the end of August.
Here are photos of Kimmi's puppies that were born on April 1st. These were taken yesterday. The puppies are 3 weeks old. The first two pictures are of the females. The other three are of the males. These puppies will be ready for homes in early June. I have not asked for deposits yet, but all have been spoken for.
Speaking of puppies, we hope to have others available by the end of August. The breedings have been too recent to know yet if they resulted in pregnancy. We expect light color puppies as well as black ones.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.