Monday, October 25, 2010

New Puppy Pictures and Some Updates

Puppy Updates...Both litters are doing fine. Dancer and Mira are great mothers and are taking good care of their puppies. Dancer's puppies, already into their second week, were a week old on the 23rd. The picture of the two gold puppies is of her boys. The picture of the gold puppy and cream puppy is of her girls. The picture of the five puppies on the red blanket is of Mira's puppies, age 2 days.

Although I am still "fence sitting," a friend has 99% talked me out of letting Desi go. Another friend mentioned that I should buy some Bitter Apple Shampoo to deter Desi's coat chewing, but I have not been able to find the product so assume it has been discontinued from the Bitter Apple line.

Movements toward anti-dog legislation continue across the country, and I encourage all of you to educate yourselves on the issue since it impacts both breeders AND pet owners. Breed specific legislation is rampant. Right now the targets seem to be "pit bull-type breeds" so those of us who love and own dogs that are not that "type" have nothing to fear, right? Which breed(s) will be next? Where will your pets come from when all the breeders are gone? If your breed is targeted, will you move or will you put your beloved pet in an shelter to be euthanized since no one in your town/region will be able to adopt him? If you are new to this blog, please read the Tuesday, August 10th posting.

You should all take some time to read "A Case for Purebred Dogs from a Different Perspective:"
Let me know what you think.

Walker and I attended three of the four shows in Springfield, IL this weekend. He was happy to have all of my attention and showed quite well. We did not place in the Group either Friday or Sunday, but did place third on Saturday. I'll post his photo later.

This is a sad week for me as I go about my usual routine when I long to be in Vancouver, WA at the American Lhasa Apso Club's national specialty.

Life is good when you have a Lhasa to love you!



  1. OMG! They are all adorable.

    XOXOXOX to all.


  2. Great article Joyce. I treasure Tashi knowing he was purebred and has a good temperament, something you can't have when the origins of a dog is unknown. Your pups are adorable!

  3. I like the article because it was about purebreds being bred for a purpose and being treasured for their history, purpose, and connection to a country and its people. Those of us who breed purebreds honor their history by preserving the breed. That is what "breeding to the standard" is about.

  4. Wow! This was an amazing article! It sure did give me a different prospective on purebreds. I was equally impressed at the writers knowledge and the way the article drew you in. I was relieved to know the horse was saved. I will share this article with all my friends who are animal lovers.


  5. Looking forward to new pics on Monday. I've become a Lhasa Apso Blog junkie! LOL


  6. LOL Raquel! Everyone is doing fine. We'll take pics this weekend and post them on Monday. By then Dancer's will have their eyes open.
