Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sharing Mira Photos

We finally took a picture of Mira last night. Since I have been planning to show you how she looks now, compared to her former long-coated self, here you go. She enjoys her short cut, doesn't look as gorgeous as she did in the past, but the upside is that she really did not enjoy lying on her side to be groomed and now she doesn't have to put up with what she considered an "indignity!" Now she can splash through the puddles all this rain has left behind!

Life is good when you have a Lhasa to love you!



  1. Hi Joyce I love her short coat!! How did you learn how to trim your lhasas...did you take a class or was it trial and error? I was thinking of learning somehow to trim those grooming costs a little. Tashi loves his groomer, but for trimming in the summer it would be nice to know how. :) Nice photo!

  2. Hey Sarah, Good idea for a blog topic. I'll see what I can put together for a future post. Nope, I did not take a class! Trial and error (a lot of trial, a lot of errors!) was it for us!

    Thanks for the comment and the idea.


  3. For some reason my comment did not show up the first time. Let's hope this works now! Sorry if it gets posted twice!

    I wrote:

    Hey Sarah, Good idea for a blog topic. I'll see what I can put together for a future post. Nope, I did not take a class! Trial and error (a lot of trial, a lot of errors!) was it for us!

    Thanks for the comment and the idea.


  4. BTW Tashi kept up with the sharpeis on their walk today!! I am so proud :D

  5. Great news about Tashi! Are you saying there actually might be hope for Belle? And does this mean his weight loss plan is going well??

  6. Well if Belle likes to walk with big doggies, then you have to adopt some sharpies..not exactly liver bait ;D. Yes Tashi has lost 2 lbs!! He is off his "diet" although I don't allow many snacks still, but will go back on it when the weather gets bad again!! (we both will...)

  7. Good news about the weight loss! He'll be more active this summer and that will help. I'm sure the big dogs keep him active too! Umm...thanks but no thanks on the big dog idea. I can't quite picture myself with anything but a Lhasa! Joyce
