Monday, June 1, 2015

Puppy Update

Today is a bittersweet day, the kind of day that all parents experience when their children move away. Our oldest, his wife, and daughter have spoiled us by living in the same town as we do. They are now starting a new adventure in life, moving from our smaller Illinois town to a city in Iowa. I am happy for them and all the new opportunities that await, but sad they will be farther away than "just across town." Most of all, I am bummed because they insist on taking my granddaughter with them!

Puppy Update

The puppies are doing well. Over the weekend, they also moved. They left their whelping box for a larger pen that allows them more room to play and explore. They are also exploring our family room, and I have learned that the new sofa and loveseat have just enough space under them for small puppies to crawl and hide! A couple more weeks of growth and they will be too big to venture under the furniture.

So, here are the weekly photos, this time with names under them. I have to call them something to distinguish one from another. This first photo is of the black and tan male. His future owner decided to name him Vader.

The other two boys also have future owners, but since at this time we have no idea which new owner will get which puppy, I gave them call names myself! The first puppy is Hawk. The second is Thor. (Vader was originally going to be "Tony Stark," but his new owner beat me to that with "Vader!" (Lucky puppy!)

The girls are Kimmi and Jenna. I plan to keep one of them, but have no idea which one it'll be.

I also wanted to share the photo of Josh's Owner Handled Group 1. The judge is Richard Miller.

A few hours from now, I'll be on the road to Iowa, following the U-Haul. I've been told the two cats are riding in my car. Oh joy!

Never having transported cats before, all I can say is that next week when I write, I hope what I am writing is, "The cats were surprisingly calm and quiet. I did not hear a peep out of them the entire trip."

Life is better when you have a Lhasa to love you!


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